One thing became clear to me last week. I need to be more serious about taking care of myself. As I tried to find time for me each day, I noticed repetitively that I didn't. I worked away at my mom list and my work list and my chore list until they were able to be set aside and only THEN did I engage in Me Time.
Looking back at my original plan of attack, I did do each of the things that I had on my attack plan. At least I did them most of the time. I took my full lunch 3 days. My timeliness was restricted to 2 days. Ray took bedtime routine and rocked it even saving me on one of my nights when my temper got the best of me. But as the week concluded I looked to my list and realized that I still couldn't get things knocked off it the way that I do all my others.
There was one item on my Me Time list that I did make progress on. I've had 'Exercise for 10 minutes each day' on my list for MONTHS. The actual goal that spawned that item is 'Exercise for 45 minutes 5 days a week'. However I've become so frustrated about missing that goal that I started breaking it down a few months ago into smaller pieces. I have yet to meet even the smaller goal with regularity and this week was no exception. How is that progress?
Well, by the end of the week, I was actually clued into one of my Me Time problems that I didn't even realize I had. I get up at 5am everyday to have time to exercise before my girls get up. That's the plan, but the reality is that they beat me up more days than not and I abandon my exercise time to spend time with them. This often has the double bad of making me late to work as well. This is something I can do something about!
WHO: Me and My Hubby
WHAT: Make Exercise a Priority!
WHY: I feel awful. My day job has me tied to a desk and I'm puttering around the house the rest of the time. My intensity when I take my girls on a walk in the evenings is laughable. AND it is showing! I am running out of steam before I even enter the evening push at home. This has to change.
HOW: I have a clear plan here. I'm thrilled about it and looking forward to seeing how it works.
- Garner hubby's support in the mornings. I've had the goal of exercising each morning for months, but have I clued him in?
- Get out of the house. There are an infinite number of distractions within my house to stop exercise in its tracks.
- Complete my daily prep in the evenings. To support exercise time in the mornings, I have to stop playing catch up in the morning on the items I didn't get done the night before.
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